29 July, 2008


This blog provides you with my thoughts on the following topics:

I write. I think about writing. I even write about writing.

Usability and Quality in Software:
My day job just happens to be in quality, with focus on the usability and design area. Chances are that I will occasionally have something to say on the matter.

I'm about to start learning the accordion, and learning about music. I will spread some of my excitement around here when I am in the mood.

I fell in love with Finland before I'd even been there. On a whim, by accident, the way that all my life-long loves seem to occur. I now live there and am studying the language, and I have plenty to say on the matter.

Life is interesting. I'll probably notice something worth commenting on that is not specific to me, and want to write about it (see 'Writing'). You can relax, though, as I don't intend to describe my daily routine or why Sally and Lucy have fallen out over Harry.

I'll tag each of my posts with 'writing', 'software', 'music', 'Finland' or 'life' accordingly.

Welcome, and read on...

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